Winter On Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom | Trailer [HD] | Netflix
In just 93 days, what started as peaceful student demonstrations became a violent revolution. Netflix original documentary Winter on Fire brings you the story of Ukraine’s fight for freedom from the frontlines of the 2014 uprising. Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom, is only on Netflix Oct. 9.
WINTER ON FIRE “Holidays” | Netflix
n just 93 days, between November 2013 and February 2014, what started as peaceful student demonstrations became a violent revolution. Netflix original documentary Winter on Fire brings you the story of Ukraine’s fight for freedom from the frontlines of the 2014 uprising. Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom, is only on Netflix Oct. 9.
WINTER ON FIRE “Holidays” | Netflix…
Winter on Fire | ‘Filming on the Front Lines’ Featurette | Netflix
Filming from the front lines. @Evgeny_director on filming the Oscar nominated Winter On Fire.
Ukraine on Fire | Trailer | Documentary | Oliver Stone | Maidan, Crimea, Putin, U.S. interference
Ukraine’s 2014 Maidan Massacre helped oust President Yanukovych with Russia painted as the perpetrator. Oliver Stone interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin, Yanukovych and others exposing the role the U.S. played in destabilizing the region.
Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west—Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014’s Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? “Ukraine on Fire” by Igor Lopatonok provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which lead to the 2004 Orange Revolution, 2014 uprisings, and the violent overthrow of democratically elected Yanukovych. Covered by Western media as a people’s revolution, it was in fact a coup d’état scripted and staged by nationalist groups and the U.S. State Department. Investigative journalist Robert Parry reveals how U.S.-funded political NGOs and media companies have emerged since the 80s replacing the CIA in promoting America’s geopolitical agenda abroad. Executive producer Oliver Stone gains unprecedented access to the inside story through his on-camera interviews with former President Viktor Yanukovych and Minister of Internal Affairs, Vitaliy Zakharchenko, who explain how the U.S. Ambassador and factions in Washington actively plotted for regime change. And, in his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Stone solicits Putin’s take on the significance of Crimea, NATO and the U. S’s history of interference in elections and regime change in the region.
原題:Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedomウィンター・オン・ファイヤー:_ウクライナ、自由への闘い
公式サイト:Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom | Full Feature | Netflix
In just 93 days, what started as peaceful student demonstrations became a violent revolution. Netflix documentary Winter on Fire brings you the story of Ukraine’s fight for freedom from the frontlines of the 2014 uprising.
Watch now on Netflix:
ウィンター・オン・ファイヤー: ウクライナ、自由への闘い (Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom)
2015年 ‧ ドキュメンタリー ‧ 1時間 42分
Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014’s Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? “Ukraine on Fire” by Igor Lopatonok provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which lead to the 2004 Orange Revolution, 2014 uprisings, and the violent overthrow of democratically elected Yanukovych. Covered by Western media as a people’s revolution, it was in fact a coup d’état scripted and staged by nationalist groups and the U.S. State Department. Investigative journalist Robert Parry reveals how U.S.-funded political NGOs and media companies have emerged since the 80s replacing the CIA in promoting America’s geopolitical agenda abroad.
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ウィンター・オン・ファイヤー ウクライナ、自由への闘い
Original title: Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom 2015
1h 42m
A documentary on the unrest in Ukraine during 2013 and 2014, as student demonstrations supporting European integration grew into a violent revolution calling for the resignation of President Viktor F. Yanukovich.
Evgeny Afineevsky
Den Tolmor
Bishop AgapitCatherine AshtonSerhii Averchenko
エフゲニー・アフィネフスキー Evgeny Afineevsky
Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom | Calm Continuous Mix
Winter on Fire:ウクライナの自由のための戦い-イントロ-Netflixドキュメンタリー[HD]オレンジ革命ユーロマイダン
Freedom Ukraine (Official)
Ось що шукає Україна, ось що нам дійсно потрібно – Свобода. Не на паперах та обіцянках.
Це не группа і не кліп, це заклик до Українського народу, який був зіграний і записаний в живу, моїми друзями, котрі стояли і стоятимуть на майдані, доки ми дійсно не відчуємо свободу!
Я дуже вдячний всім хто крокує з нами!
Eternal memory. For the glorious heroes of Ukraine. 2013/2014
When I am dead, bury me
In my beloved Ukraine, …
Oh bury me, then rise ye up
And break your heavy chains
And water with the tyrants’ blood
The FREEDOM you have gained.
And in the great new family,
The family of the FREE,
With softly spoken, kindly word
Remember also me.
— Taras Shevchenko,
25 December 1845, Pereiaslav, UKRAINE
Translated by John Weir, Toronto, 1961 National Anthem (1990 – 2020) Compilation
Ukrainian National Anthem (1990-2020) With Footage
Ukrainian National Anthem | at Inauguration – From Kravchuk (1991) to Zelensky (2019)
In this video, I uploaded a video entitled Ukraine National Anthem during the Inauguration of the President of Ukraine, from its First President, Leonid Kravchuk, to the current President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. But only the second Ukrainian Presidential Inauguration, Leonid Kuchma, is not available in this video because it is very difficult to find the full video. I apologize for that, but if you find it please let me know in the comments column, so that it can be an even better update.
Here is a small list of songs and snippets available in this video:
•1991 | Leonid Kravchuck Inauguration
•2005 | Viktor Yushchenko Inauguration (Opening Ceremony)
•2005 | Viktor Yushchenko Inauguration (Closing Ceremony)
•2010 | Viktor Yanukovych Inauguration (Opening Ceremony)
•2010 | Viktor Yanukovych Inauguration (Closing Ceremony)
•2014 | Impeachemnt of Viktor Yanukovych
•2014 | Petro Poroshenko Inauguration (Opening Ceremony)
•2014 | Petro Poroshenko Inauguration (Closing Ceremony)
•2019 | Volodymyr Zelensky Inauguration (Opening Ceremony)
•2019 | Volodymyr Zelensky Inauguration (Closing Ceremony)
Why ‘Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom’ Is A Must Watch
Why ‘Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom’ Is A Must Watch
【ニュースシネマパラダイス】どうも! 有村昆です。先月24日にロシアが侵攻して以降、ウクライナ情勢が緊迫しています。圧倒的軍事力を誇るロシアですが、ウクライナも徹底抗戦している模様です。早くこの地に平和が訪れてほしいものですが、いったいどうなるのでしょうか…。
本日は2015年製作のドキュメンタリー映画「ウィンター・オン・ファイヤー ウクライナ自由への闘い」を取り上げたいと思います。これは13年から14年にかけてウクライナで行われた公民権運動を当時の映像を用いて描いているのですが、今回の戦争の背景を知るにはうってつけの作品なんですよ。
☆ありむら・こん 1976年7月2日生まれ。マレーシア出身。玉川大学文学部芸術学科卒業。ローカル局のラジオDJからキャリアをスタートさせ、その後映画コメンテーターとしてテレビ番組やイベントに引っ張りだこに。最新作からB級映画まで年間500本の作品を鑑賞。ユーチューブチャンネル「有村昆のシネマラボ」で紹介している。
「ウィンター・オン・ファイヤー ウクライナ 自由への闘い」
映画『赤い闇 スターリンの冷たい大地で』予告編
「太陽と月に背いて」「ソハの地下水道」で知られるポーランドのアグニェシュカ・ホランド監督が、スターリン体制のソ連という大国にひとり立ち向かったジャーナリストの実話をもとにした歴史ドラマ。1933年、ヒトラーへの取材経験を持つ若き英国人記者ガレス・ジョーンズは、世界中で恐慌の嵐が吹き荒れる中、ソビエト連邦だけがなぜ繁栄を続けているのか、疑問を抱いていた。ジョーンズはその謎を解くため、単身モスクワを訪れ、外国人記者を監視する当局の目をかいくぐり、疑問の答えが隠されているウクライナ行きの汽車に乗り込む。しかし、凍てつくウクライナの地でジョーンズが目にしたのは、想像を超えた悪夢としか形容できない光景だった。ジョーンズ役をドラマ「グランチェスター 牧師探偵シドニー・チェンバース」のジェームズ・ノートンが演じるほか、「ワイルド・スピード スーパーコンボ」のバネッサ・カービー、「ニュースの天才」のピーター・サースガードが顔をそろえる。2019年・第69回ベルリン国際映画祭コンペティション部門出品作品。
原題:Mr. Jones