子どもがいない自分自身をネタにするコメディアンのパフォーマンスと体験談を軸に、作家、助産師、哲学者など女性たちが通説に反論し、子どもを産まなくても幸せになれると主張する。人間に生まれつきの母性などないとして、社会がいかに「子どもを持たない女性」の悪いイメージを作り上げてきたのかを指摘する。“母性神話”と社会の押し付けに物申すドキュメンタリー。 原題:[m]otherhood(スペイン 2018年)
(C)Rise And Shine World Sales
(フォーカス オン)『出産しない女たち』 自分の体は自分のもの
Eテレ 11日夜10時
放送日:2020年11月25日 NHK BS1
[m]otherhood is a documentary project whose main objectives are to help in normalize the option and the choice of non-motherhood, deconstruct the numerous myths that surround being a mother, and question the social taboos that these myths have generated. Having the physical conditions to do so doesn’t always make someone want to be an olympic athlete, so why should the ability to procreate necessarily compel a woman to become a mother? [m]otherhood questions the existence of the widely-accepted “maternal instinct”, speaks about regretting motherhood and explains why motherhood isn’t necessarily an experience that women must have if they want to be truly happy. This documentary brings together several women who’ve decided to sound off on the subject, and whose reasons knock the concept of contemporary motherhood as an “ideal” off its pedestal. [m]otherhood will make us stop asking women without children why they don’t want to be mothers, because it gives us all the answers. These types of inquiries can become very annoying after a while; at times, the only way to get out gracefully is by smiling and not saying a word. This documentary brings together several women who’ve decided to sound off on the subject, and whose reasons –hard-hitting and solid– knock the concept of contemporary motherhood as an “ideal” off its pedestal.Having the physical conditions to do so doesn’t always make someone want to be an olympic athlete, so why should the ability to procreate necessarily compel a woman to become a mother? [m]otherhood questions the existence of the widely-accepted “maternal instinct”, addresses the pertinent demographical aspects and problems and explains why motherhood isn’t necessarily an experience that women must have if they want to be truly happy.